Samples & Tutorial
NOTE: Most students completing the B.A. in Advertising & Public Relations will graduate with a wide range of skills suitable for positions in both advertising and public relations, as well as many related fields. These resume samples are not meant to be copied specifically. View this resume tutorial and experiment with your own formats to showcase your individual qualifications. For each position you seek, you will create a unique version of your resume emphasizing the specific skills required for each position. For example, if you discover an opportunity through networking, tailor the resume to meet the needs of the person who has asked for your resume. If you respond to a job posting, feature key words from the ad in your resume. Always be truthful in your content and only feature the skills you could really perform on the job.

No skills or qualifications are listed.
The layout is scattered and hard to read.
It's unclear what job the candidate wants
or is qualified to undertake. -
The content focuses on student life.
The main message: Unqualified student.
Advertising skills/qualifications are listed.
The layout is organized and easy to scan
"Advertising & Content Creation" identified
The content focuses on professional life.
Main message: Qualified Professional.
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