Prerequisite Waivers for On-time Graduation
Contact your advisor and the course instructor and provide them with your student ID number, the course section number, and the reason for your request.
If they approve, ask them to email their approval to the department chair.
On Workday, click "Request Course Section Prerequisite Override" (see video instruction).This request goes to the chair, who has discretion to approve overrides.
In your Workday request, make a note in the "Comments" that you have forwarded permission both from your advisor and the professor teaching the course.
The chair will check Workday and will likely only consider your request if Workday indicates the override is necessary for you to graduate on time or have a full-time load of courses.
Here is the information about registering for internships for credit in the Communication Department.
Incompletes are initiated by your professor, using the "I" option for a grade.
The student requests the incomplete from the faculty member.
Students must have completed the majority of coursework in order to request an incomplete.
The student must complete the work by the university's deadline (which is usually half-way through the subsequent semester).
Overloading into a Full Class for On-time Graduation
If you need a course that is closed, in order to graduate on time or get a full-time load of courses--AND there are no other course options open for you:
On Workday, register for the Waitlist.
Send an email to your advisor explaining your situation and showing that there are no other course options for you to graduate on time.
Your advisor will check Workday to verify the situation and notify the chair, who will also check Workday. The chair has the discretion to move you off the waitlist and onto the course.
NOTE: You do not need to make a request to the professor, as the professor has no input on overload requests for on-time graduation.
Overloading into a course for Professional Interest, with Professor's Approval
If you want the course because you have a particular academic, professional, or personal passion for specific experiences a faculty member is offering that semester:
Communicate with the faculty member teaching the course.
The faculty member may then request that the chair overload you.
The chair has full discretion to make the determination. The request may be rejected if a number of students need overrides to graduate.
Course Substitutions
If you have reason to request that an outside course "count" as one of the elective requirements for your ADPR major:
Email your advisor to make your case. Explain why this substitution will contribute to your academic or professional goals in ADPR.
If the advisor approves, then they will make a request to the chair.
The chair can approve the substitution.
Independent Studies
​Ask a full-time professor to conduct the independent study with you.
The faculty member will guide you through the steps, utilizing this independent study form.