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Something to Consider:

Many students express values or embody identities they don't want to compromise--even when they're anxious to get a job. The ADPR ethics course probes some of these situations. This page outlines strategies and tactics for locating employers who will respect your values and identity.




Vice-relate clients (e.g., cigarette companies and alcohol brands) can be controversial for many job-seekers. Fashion-related businesses can be troubling to some people concerned about objectification of the body. If you're passionate about climate change, you might be uncomfortable writing a press releases for a coal company that's claiming minimal impact. If you don't believe in birth control, you could feel compromised creating an ad for Planned Parenthood.

In contrast, other job-seekers believe financial responsibility to family supersedes all other quandaries, and they are able to compartmentalize their values and even adopt personas when possible.


Financial urgency, education needs, travel restraints, and other circumstances can influence priorities.  Members of underrepresented groups can face particular challenges finding compatible work environments. For example, people with different abilities and gender identities may face unique hiring challenges. 

Start with Sound Job-search Strategies

Many students say they'll take any job that makes money. However, Tampa Bay offers a wide range of opportunities for students with B.A. degrees in ADPR, as do many other cities. Strong job-search strategies are the key. The vast majority of available jobs in the country are not advertised or posted online; they are obtained through networking. So, a successful job-search strategy does not typically begin with mass mailings and online postings; they start by getting into a room with people so they can get to know you as a real person. Internships with key organizations you respect can be a great starting point. Networking can be particularly effective for people seeking employers who share their values and respect their identities, because a rapport can be built on a personal level from the start. You can also network with organizations that advocate for your values. See job-search strategies and tactics and guidelines for resume and portfolio to develop successful job-search plans and materials specific to the ADPR fields.

5 Strategies for Targeting Specifically Compatible Organizations


  1. Target in-house positions in specific fields or businesses you do like.
    If you love a particular field, business, or organization, and believe you will be most respected there, reach out to the marketing department(s) of specific ones to see what needs they might have that you can fulfill in-house. This way, you'll always know who your client is, because you're a full-time employee of a single business. 


  2. Consider the non-profit organizations.
    Target non-profit organizations that respect or even champion your values and identity. You will have a unique insights into the needs of those they serve and an important voice to communicate with constituencies.

  3. Target large agencies with compatible client lists.
    Most agencies are small and tend to take on any client they can, just to make ends meet. Large agencies can be more discriminate and often have departments devoted to particular types of clients. In large agencies, sometimes entire teams are devoted to a single client. You can target those areas of the company that service the types of clients you identify with most.

  4. Try business-to-business advertising and marketing.
    Often we think of advertising as being "business-to-consumer" (B2C). However, business-to-business advertising (B2B) promotes products and services to other businesses, instead. If you're leery of consumer spectacles, advertising solar panels to installers might be more appealing.


  5. Consider government work.
    Government is largely about communication. Seek agencies that are compatible with your values and identity.


  6. Network with others who share your perspectives.
    Networking is a powerful job-search tool. Let family, friends, teachers, and classmates know what kind of job you're seeking. Attend related events and mixers. Follow up on any leads.

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